We encourage new visitors getting to virtually know The Mutt Hutt to dive right into our website to learn about our socialization enrollment process. Once the online enrollment forms are completed we will contact you for a phone consultation to review your information and learn more about your and your dog's needs to book your dog's first visit. On a dog's first day with us they will receive dedicated time and attention to make sure they are comfortable with our handlers and the dogs we are caring for. We are committed to making sure each dog is enjoying their visit and dog owners are provided with a thoughtful consultation. Our staff of dog enthusiasts and dog owners are loyal and dedicated as well as experienced in dog breed traits, understanding each dog's unique personality and a strong level of knowledge in dog behavior.
The enrollment includes a full-day of socializing as well as an end of day consultation with one of our staff members before your dog heads home to fall into #themutthuttcoma. Once the online enrollment is completed a date will be selected for your dogs first visit. We will reach out to you to schedule a quick phone call to go over details, answer any questions you may have and then follow up with a formal email confirmation. At that time a $35 non-refundable deposit will be charged to the credit card on file and applied to the first visit invoice. First visit check-in times are set between 7:00-9:00 and we ask that new visitors are picked up by or before 6:30 pm. After the first visit date clients may check-in and out during our regular business hours. All dogs must arrive by 9:00 am.
Enrollment Requirements
- Bordetella Vaccine: Dogs who are not socialized with other dogs, dog parks, vets offices, pet stores have a higher chance of contracting canine cough. The vaccine prevents about 50% of the 36 strains of the virus and therefore is not a guarantee all dogs are totally protected. Canine cough is most commonly contracted during spring and fall seasons and affects dogs who may not socialize as much or have lower immunity system. Canine cough can be contracted at dog parks, traditional kennels, daycare, meeting dogs on walks, and at your vets office. Most dogs who contract canine cough do not show signs for 7-10 days so please be sure your dog is receiving the vaccination on a regular basis. In many cases the Bordetella vaccination is optional during your dog's veterinary exam so be sure to ask for it. This vaccine is required and suggested to be in your dog's system at least 72 hours before they visit the facility to reduce and prevent your dog from getting sick with canine cough. The injection option is an annual vaccine and reportedly more effective.
- Flea/tick preventative is required during flea season (suggested April-November). Flea collars are removed for safety while your dog is in our care.
- Owners must certify their pet is in good health and has not been ill with a communicable condition in the last 30 days. Upon admission, all pets must be free from any condition that could potentially jeopardize other dogs. Pets that have been ill with a communicable condition the last 30 days will be required to provide veterinarian certification of health to be admitted or readmitted.
- All dogs must be non-aggressive with other dogs or humans. Owners must certify that their pet has neither harmed nor shown any aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person or other animal.
- We are good neighbors in our community and will not tolerate excessive barking. it is also very disruptive to the playgroup.
- For safety among the pack your dog’s collar will be removed and stored before entering the play area. If you choose for your dog to wear a collar we may ask you to sign an additional waiver. We may find it necessary to use a martingale or slip lead style collar to communicate with or identify your dog in the pack. Other than your own provided collars or our martingale or slip lead style collar or leash. Correction equipment such as prong collars are NEVER used without advance permission from the client.
- An effective monthly Heartworm preventative is strongly suggested year round.
- Dog owners arriving without the required copies of your pet's vaccine records will need to reschedule the appointment.
First Visit Introductions
We aim to set your dog up for a successful visit each time they arrive. Our dog handlers are experienced, thoughtful and attentive to each new dog.
- If our parking lot is busy that means our lobby is busy. Our lobby is quaint and we would prefer on your first visit to enter our building when there is less activity. Even if your dog is super social on a leash other clients' dogs may not be. May we suggest staying in your car or taking your dog for a quick walk to wait until the parking lot clears out. This will allow for your dog to enter the facility without being distracted or meeting other dogs inappropriately on their first day.
- You know your dog best so we ask you to pay close attention to their behavior. Some dogs are naturally excited visiting new and unfamiliar places and others are hesitant and timid. Please be sure your dog’s collar or harness is on properly when exiting your vehicle and entering our building. We ask that you do not use a retractable leash or have your dog meet other dogs in our parking lot or lobby.
- When you arrive on the first day you'll be invited inside (wearing a COVID-19 safe mask) to introduce ourselves. As a safety measure as other dogs are shuttled inside we may find it necessary to take your dog and secure he or she in a holding space beyond the lobby walls.
- You will have the opportunity to speak with our staff about anything related to your dog before you head out while we take care of your dog's first day.
- From here one of our dog handlers will chaperone your dog safely into the warehouse space where they will meet new human and dog friends alike. Your dog will be led by a handler and only when your mutt is comfortable will we start proper introductions to their new furry friends.
- We always aim to set your dog up for success and determine our approach based on the information you have provided combined with the experience of our dog handlers who will be thoughtful and attentive throughout the day. We will share the day's observations with you when you come back later in the day to take your mutt home.
End of Visit Observation Report
- As soon as your dog successfully completes the enrollment visit they are officially enrolled at our facility and you can bring them as often as you like with a reservation made in advance through the client portal or via email. Same day requests are rarely available and in those cases please call us.
- Our priority is with those who are utilizing our services a minimum of once per week. We offer standing reservations to allow you to choose what days of the week you’d like to bring your dog, provided we approve those days. With a standing reservation, you would no longer need to to call us unless you are choosing a different day of the week. Please notify us or cancel in the client portal if your dog is not coming in to play on your regularly scheduled day. If you have any specific questions please call us at 216-621-6888 or send an email to our front desk.